Ejemplos de publicaciones anteriores sobre TAD

Alonso-Pérez, Rosa & Sánchez-Requena, Alicia (2018). “Teaching Foreign Languages Through Audiovisual Translation Resources: Teachers’ Perspectives”, Applied Language Learning 28 (2), pp. 1–24.

Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier (2018). “TeenTitles. Implementation of a Methodology Based on Teenage subTitles to Improve Written Skills”. In John D. Sanderson & Carla Botella-Tejera (eds.). Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research. Valencia: PUV, pp. 19-40.

Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier & Rodríguez-Arancón, Pilar (2018). “The OffTaTled Project: OFFensive and TAboo Exchanges SubtiTLED by Online University Students”. Encuentro 27, pp. 204–219.

Baños, Rocío & Sokoli, Stavroula (2015). “Learning Foreign Languages with ClipFlair: Using Captioning and Revoicing Activities to Increase Students’ Motivation and Engagement”. In Kate Borthwick, Erika Corradini & Alison Dickens (eds). 10 Years of the LLAS E-learning Symposium: Case studies in Good Practice. Dublin: Research-publishing.net, pp. 203–213.

Bobadilla-Pérez, María (2016). “Las TIC en el aula de lengua extranjera a edades tempranas: los cuentos audiovisuales como recurso”. En Joaquín J. Jacinto-Esola, Manuela Raposo-Rivas, Ana Paula Florêncio-Aires & María Esther Martínez-Figueira (eds), Experiencias de Investigación e intervención educativa con las TIC. Almería: Procompal Ediciones, pp. 275–285

Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro (2017). “The Effects of Fansubs on EFL Education for Translation and Interpreting Students: An Empirical Approach”. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 28, pp. 122–163.

Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro (2018). “The Pedagogical Potential of Cloud-Based Platforms: A Study on the Didactics of Subtitling in Online Translator Training Environments”. In John D. Sanderson & Carla Botella Tejera (eds). Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research. Valencia: PUV, pp. 63–94.

Borghetti, Claudia & Lertola, Jennifer (2014). “Interlingual Subtitling for Intercultural Language Education: A Case Study”. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(4), pp. 423–440.

Couto-Cantero, Pilar (2005). “La  aplicación de los textos narrativos y fílmicos a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras”. In Rosa Luengo González, Guadalupe de la Maya Retamar & Prudencia Gutiérrez Estebán (eds.). VIII Simposio Internacional de la SEDLL. Cultura, Interculturalidad y Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Badajoz: Diputación de Badajoz, pp. 189–196.

Fernández-Costales, Aalberto (2018). “On the reception of mobile content: New challenges in audiovisual translation research”. In Elena Di Giovanni & Yves Gambier (Eds.), Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation, pp. 297–320.

Fernández-Costales, Alberto (2017). “Subtitling in CLIL: Promoting Bilingual Methodologies through Audiovisual Translation”. In María Elena Gómez Parra & Richard Johnstone (eds), Educación bilingüe: tendencias educativas y conceptos claves = Bilingual Educational: Trends and Key Concepts. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, pp. 185–196.

Fernández-Costales, Alberto, & González-Riaño, X. A. (2015). “Teacher Satisfaction Concerning the Implementation of Bilingual Programmes in a Spanish University”. Porta Linguarum, 23, pp. 93–108.

Frumuselu, Anca Daniela (2018). “The implications of Cognitive Load Theory and exposure to subtitles in English Foreign Language (EFL)”. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (Special Issue Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives), 4(1) , pp. 55–76.

Frumuselu, Anca Daniela; De Maeyer, Sven; Donche, Vincent & Gutiérrez-Colon-Plana, María del Mar (2015). “Television Series Inside the EFL Classroom: Bridging the Gap Between Teaching and Learning Informal Language through Subtitles”. Linguistics and Education, 32(B), pp. 107–117.

Gonzalez-Vera, Pilar & Hornero-Corisco, Ana (2019). “Audiovisual Materials: A Way to Reinforce Listening Skills in Primary School Teacher Education”. Language Value, 8, pp. 1–25.

Hadzilacos, Thanasis; Papadakis, Spyros & Sokoli, Stavroula (2004). “Learner’s Version of a Professional Environment: Film Subtitling as an ICTE Tool for Foreign Language Learning”. In Proceedings of E-learn 2004 World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2004 in Washington, DC, USA. San Diego, CA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 680–685.

Herrero, Carmen; Sánchez-Requena, Alicia; Costal, Tomás & Valverde Ocón, Karina (2020). “‘The Film and Creative Engagement Project’: Audiovisual Accessibility and Telecollaboration. Research in  Education and Learning Innovation Archives (Special issue Audiovisual Accessibility and Telecollaboration), 24, pp. 89–104.

Herrero, Carmen; Sánchez-Requena, Alicia & Escobar, Manuela (2017). “Una propuesta triple: análisis fílmico, traducción audiovisual y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras”. InTRAlinea (Special Issue: Building Bridges between Film Studies and Translation Studies), n. pag.

Igareda, Paula & Matamala, Anna (2012). “Developing a learning Platform for AVT: Challenges and Solutions”, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 16, pp. 145–162.

Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura; Lertola, Jennifer & Talaván, Noa (eds) (2018). Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives. Special issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 4(1).

Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura &  Lertola, Jennifer (2014). “Audiovisual Translation in Second Language Acquisition: Integrating Subtitling in the Foreign Language Curriculum”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, (8)1, pp. 70–83.

Jordano de la Torre, María (2011). “Improving Spoken Competence by Means of Multimodal Environments in a Distance Context”. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 6, pp. 229–241.

Lertola, Jennifer & Mariotti, Cristina (2017). “Reverse Dubbing and Subtitling: Raising Pragmatic Awareness in Italian ESL Learners”. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 28, 103–121.

Lertola, Jennifer (2018). “From Translation to Audiovisual Translation in Foreign Language Learning”. TRANS, 22, pp. 185–202.

Lertola, Jennifer (2019). “Second Language Vocabulary Learning through Subtitling”. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 32(2), pp. 486-514.

Lertola, Jennifer (2019). Audiovisual Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom: Applications in the Teaching of English and Other Foreign Languages. Dublin: Research-publishing.net.

Navarrete, Marga (2013). “El doblaje como herramienta de aprendizaje en el aula de español y desde el entorno Clipflair”. marcoELE, 16, pp. 75–87.

Navarrete, Marga (2018). “The Use of Audio Description in Foreign Language Education: A Preliminary Approach”. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (Special Issue Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives), 4(1), pp. 129–150.

Sánchez-Requena, Alicia (2018). “Intralingual Dubbing as a Tool for Developing Speaking Skills”. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (Special Issue Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives), 4(1), pp. 102–128.

Sánchez-Requena, Alicia (2016). “Audiovisual Translation in Teaching Foreign Languages: Contributions of Dubbing to Develop Fluency and Pronunciation in Spontaneous Conversations”. Porta Linguarum, 26, pp. 9–21.

Sokoli, Stavroula (2018). “Exploring the Possibilities of Interactive Audiovisual Activities for Language Learning”. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (Special Issue Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives), 4(1), 77–100.

Sokoli, Stavroula (2015) “Foreign Language Learning through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips”. In Yves Gambier, Annamaria Caimi & Cristina Mariotti (eds). Subtitles and Language Learning. Bern: Peter Lang, 127–148

Sokoli, Stavroula (2006). “Learning via Subtitling (LvS). A Tool for the Creation of Foreign Language Learning Activities Based on Film Subtitling”. In Mary Carroll & Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast (eds). Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Audiovisual Translation Scenarios – Copenhagen 1-5 May 2006, pp. 66–73.

Talaván, Noa (2019). “Using subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing as an innovative pedagogical tool in the language class”. International Journal of English Studies, 19(1), pp. 21–40.

Talaván, Noa (2013). La subtitulación en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Talaván, Noa (2010). Subtitling as a Task and Subtitles as Support: Pedagogical Applications. In Jorge Díaz-Cintas, A. Matamala & J. Neves (eds). New Insights into Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 285–299.

Talaván, Noa (2011). “A Quasi-Experimental Research Project on Subtitling and Foreign Language Acquisition”. In Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Marie Biscio & Máire Aine Ní Mhainnín (eds), Subtitles and Subtitling. Theory and Practice. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 197–218.

Talaván, Noa & Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier (2017). “Social Subtitling: Providing the university community with accessible videos”. In David Orrego-Carmona and Yvonne Lee (eds). Non-Professional Subtitling. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 287–303.

Talaván, Noa & Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier (2016). “Collaborative Networks to Provide Media Accessibility: The Potential of Social Subtitling”. Porta LinguarumMonográfico I, pp. 125–138.

Talaván, Noa & Costal, Tomás (2017). “iDub – The Potential of Intralingual Dubbing in Foreign Language Learning: How to Assess the Task”. Language Value, 9(1), pp. 62–88.

Talaván, Noa; Ibáñez, Ana & Bárcena, Elena (2016). “Exploring Collaborative Reverse Subtitling for the Enhancement of Written Production Activities in English as a Second Language”. ReCALL, 29(1), pp. 39–58.

Talaván, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer & Costal, Tomás (2016). “iCap: Intralingual Captioning for Writing and Vocabulary Enhancement”. Alicante Journal of English Studies, 29, pp. 229–247.

Talaván, Noa & Lertola, Jennifer (2016). “Active Audiodescription to Promote Speaking Skills in Online Environments”. Sintagma, 28, pp. 59–74.

Talaván, Noa & Rodríguez-Arancón, Pilar (2014). “The Use of Interlingual Subtitling to Improve Listening Comprehension Skills in Advanced EFL Students”. In Beatrice Garzelli & Michela Baldo (eds). Subtitling and Intercultural Communication. European Languages and Beyond. Pisa: InterLinguistica ETS, pp. 273–288.

Talaván, Noa & Rodríguez-Arancón, Pilar (2014). “The Use of Reverse Subtitling as an Online Collaborative Language Learning Tool”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 8(1), pp. 84–101.

Talaván, Noa & Rodríguez-Arancón, Pilar (2014). The Use of Interlingual Subtitling to Improve Listening Comprehension Skills in Advanced EFL Students. In Beatrice Garzelli & Michela Baldo (eds). Subtitling and Intercultural Communication. European Languages and Beyond. Pisa: InterLinguistica ETS, pp. 273–288.