Project Objectives

The main goal of TRADILEX is to determine the degree of improvement in the L2 learning process after including the pedagogical use of AVT (audiovisual translation) as a didactic tool. To this end, a thorough methodological proposal will be articulated including complete tasks which make use of diverse AVT modes (such as subtitling, dubbing or audiodescription) in order to enhance communicative competence in an integrated and differentiated manner. This methodology will be piloted with adult students in non-formal educational contexts, especially in language schools of the universities involved.

In this regard, the researchers in TRADILEX will elaborate the necessary materials to conduct quasi-experimental research which aims to bring to the fore a representative indication which supports the potential benefits of this type of methodology. Ultimately, from the results obtained, an online platform will be created with the aim of disseminating the use of this didactic resource, making some of the tasks created within the project available to be undertaken with the help of a subtitle editor and a voice recorder integrated in the web.

The main L2 in the project will be English, given the current importance of this language in our globalised world, coupled with the necessity to make more frequent use of it. Nevertheless, Spanish and Italian will also be used as secondary languages, in such a way that the results can be compared, and a link between the benefit of this methodological approach and a deeper understanding of language learning can be established.


  • Confirm the viability of including a methodology that integrates AVT as a didactic resource in the L2 class in non-formal educational contexts of university language schools (incorporating the technological and audiovisual element in an integrated way in learning), through a solid quasi-experimental research, in order to improve the level of communicative competence in L2 in general, especially in terms of English as L2.
  • Prepare a specific methodological proposal that can be integrated into the general curriculum of the courses of the language schools of the different participating universities, as well as a collection of activities that would include the pedagogical use of AVT to improve students’ L2 level.
  • Based on the obtained results, write a manual of good practices on the use of AVT in university language schools and similar institutions, as well as in higher education, which may be available to the society and other researchers or teachers.
  • Create an online platform where the tasks and activities designed by TRADILEX can be carried out so that they are available to any user (either teacher or student) who may be interested in benefiting from these types of teaching resources.
  • Consolidate an innovative line of research in which the benefits of the use of technology, audiovisual media and mediation are combined: the didactic use of AVT to improve L2 learning.