Invited seminars and lectures

Flash seminar by Jennifer Lertola: “L’uso della traduzione audiovisiva didattica per l’apprendimento della lingua straniera ” Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy. April 20, 2023.

Invited seminar by María Luisa Rodríguez Muñoz: “Thinking about Ecological Justice: A didactic subtitling task for business and law students”. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy. May 5 and 10, 2023.

Plenary session at a conference: “Creative didactic audiovisual translation: experiences from the TRADILEX project”. Translators as Authors 2: Creativity in Media Localisation. Noa Talaván. Sapienza Università di Roma. Roma. May, 9th, 2023.

Plenary session at a conference: “Didactic Audiovisual translation: theory, practice and new perspectives”. CILDi – 2.º Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Digital. Pilar Rodríguez Arancón. University of Alicante (Spain), May 4th, 2023.

Round Table at TRADIT23: “Perspectives from the TRADILEX Project: From Macrostructure to Microstructure” by  Mariona Sabaté, Pilar Couto Cantero, Noa Talaván Zanón, Anca Frumuselu, and Carolina Gonzalo Llera. UNED, Madrid, March, 23 – 24, 2023.

Workshop TRADIT23 # 1: Introduction to didactic audiovisual translation. Dr. Alberto Fernández Costales (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain). UNED, Madrid, March, 22, 2023. See recordings of the Workshop here and here.

Workshop TRADIT23 # 2: Didactic captioning: subtitling and SDH. Dr. Noa Talaván Zanón (UNED, Spain). UNED, Madrid, March, 22, 2023. See recordings of the Workshop here and here.

Workshop TRADIT23 # 3: Didactic revoicing: dubbing, voice-over, AD and free commentary. Dr. Jennifer Lertola (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy). UNED, Madrid, March, 22, 2023. See recording of the Workshop here.

Lecture by Noa Talaván: El proyecto I+D+i TRADILEX: una apuesta por la inclusión educativa en la enseñanza de lenguas. Seminar “Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica e Inclusión Educativa: Construyendo un Aula de Idiomas Multimodal e Inclusiva”. UNED Associated Center of Córdoba. December 14, 2022.

Lecture by Mar Ogea:  Experiencias didácticas en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente ADAS: adquisición de competencias específicas de traducción audiovisual y de inglés como lengua extranjera. Seminar “Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica e Inclusión Educativa: Construyendo un Aula de Idiomas Multimodal e Inclusiva”. UNED Associated Center of Córdoba. December 14, 2022.

Lecture by Azahara Veroz: Accesibilidad en las aulas: aproximación al aprendizaje del francés como lengua extranjera a través del subtitulado para personas sordas (SpS). Seminar “Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica e Inclusión Educativa: Construyendo un Aula de Idiomas Multimodal e Inclusiva”. UNED Associated Center of Córdoba. December 14, 2022.

Lecture by Antonio Tinedo-Rodríguez: La enseñanza del inglés en el siglo XXI y el papel de la Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica (TAD). Seminar “Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica e Inclusión Educativa: Construyendo un Aula de Idiomas Multimodal e Inclusiva”. UNED Associated Center of Córdoba. December 14, 2022.

Keynote at the course “Academic Writing” (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli) titled “Exploring the Potential of Audiovisual Products and Audiovisual Translation in Foreign Language Teaching”. Antonio Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez. November, 25, 2022.

Seminar at the course “Teoría e Tecnica della Traduzione Inglese” (Università degli Studi di Milano, La Statale) on Didactic Audio Description (DAD). Jennifer Lertola and Antonio Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez. November, 16, 2022.

Seminar at the course “Progettazione di Itinerari e Logistica per il Turismo” (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara) on “Didactic Media Accessibility (DIMA). Jennifer Lertola and Antonio Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez. November, 16, 2022.

“Audiovisual Translation (AVT) from TRADILEX and PETaL Approach”. Antonio Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree “Play, Education, Toys and Languages” (PETaL EMJMD). November 2nd, 2022.

“Métodos de Investigación en Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica: el Proyecto TRADILEX”. Noa Talaván. Seminario de Investigación CIRES (2022) “Métodos de investigación para los estudios del discurso y de traducción”. University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain). October 27, 2022.

“InnoTAD. A teaching innovation project for language learning: Spanish as a foreign language through Audiovisual Translation” for the subject: “Traduzione Spagnola Specialistica e per i Media” (Specialized and Audiovisual Translation) of the Master in Specialized Translation (Traduzione Editoriale Settoriale). Prof. Pilar Couto-Cantero, on the occasion of the activities programmed by the Department within the International Seminar: “The role of audiovisual translation in the didactics of ELE”. Palazzo San Paolo. SELISI Center. Ca’ Foscari Venezia University. Treviso Campus. Treviso. Italy. October 26, 2022.

“InnoTAD. A teaching innovation project for language learning: Spanish as a foreign language through Audiovisual Translation” for the subject: “Lingua e Traduzione Spagnola 2” (Spanish Language and Translation 2) of the Degree in Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale (Linguistic and Cultural Mediation). Prof. Pilar Couto-Cantero, on the occasion of the activities programmed by the Department within the International Seminar: “The role of audiovisual translation in the didactics of ELE”. Palazzo San Paolo. SELISI Center. Ca’ Foscari Venezia University. Treviso Campus. Treviso. Italy. October 26, 2022.

“La traducción de textos audiovisuales científicos como método de aprendizaje multidisciplinar”. IV Seminar of the Teaching Innovation Group ARENA (Translation and Audiovisual Accessibility: Didactics and Innovation). María del Mar Ogea Pozo. October 25, 2022.

“Didactic Audiovisual Translation for Language Learning. The InnoTAD innovation project”. Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University Campus Ciels Padova (Italy). October 25, 2022.

Symposium at the IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Intercultural y de Género: de la escuela a la ciudad inclusiva (University of Córdoba, Spain), October 3rd, 4th, & 5th, 2022, coordinated by Jennifer Lertola, titled “La Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica como recurso didáctico inclusivo para el aprendizaje del inglés: innovación educativa en el Proyecto I+D+i TRADILEX” which includes the following presentations:

– Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica en la Educación lingüística intercultural: Buenas prácticas del proyecto TRADILEX. Author: Jennifer Lertola

– La audiodescripción como instrumento para el aprendizaje de lenguas desde una mirada inclusiva. Author: María del Mar Ogea Pozo

– El uso de la audiodescripción para la enseñanza de lenguas en Educación Infantil. Author: Elia Ramírez Barroso

– Virginia Woolf featuring Proyecto TRADILEX: visibilizando el género a través de la Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica. Author: Antonio Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez

All the information is reflected in the congress program (available here).

Seminar by Marga Navarrete: “Undertaking Research in Didactic Audio Description”. Huazhong Agricultural University of Wuhan: September 16th, 2022

Seminar by Noa Talaván: “Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Its Research Potential”. Huazhong Agricultural University of Wuhan: September 17th, 2022

Lecture by Alejandro Bolaños-García-Escribano titled “Perception in Audiovisual Translation: Studying Culture and Humour in English Dubs and Subs” at UNED, Spain. June 21st, 2022

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola titled “Le potenzialità dei materiali audiovisivi per l’apprendimento linguistico” organised by the Università di Pavia, Italy. February 4th, 2022

Plenary session by Noa Talaván: Audio Description and Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Media Accessibility in Foreign Language Learning. At the International Conference on Translation and Interpreting of Specialized Discourses: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Accessibility Universidad de Málaga, Spain. 3-4 December 2021.

Lecture by Noa Talaván: “Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Integrated Skills Enhancement in Foreign Language Education: The TRADILEX Project”. At the Giornata di Studio AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Università di Bologna, Italy. December 2nd, 2021

Lecture by Marga Navarrete: “Training the Trainer: The art of audio describingin language lessons”. At the Giornata di Studio AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Università di Bologna, Italy. December 2nd, 2021

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola: “Teacher Training on Didactic Audiovisual Translation: A starting point”. At the Giornata di Studio AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING  Università di Bologna, Italy. December 2nd, 2021

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola titled “Creative Audiovisual Translation in Foreign Language Learning” in the Conference TRANSLATORS AS AUTHORS: CREATIVITY IN MEDIA LOCALIZATION organised by the Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy. November 24th, 2021

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola titled “Didactic Audiovisual Translation: An opportunity to develop integrated language skills” in the Conference INFORMAL LANGUAGE LEARNING INSIDE AND BEYOND THE CLASSROOM. NEW PERSPECTIVES, organised by the University of Pavia, Italy. November 12th, 2021.

Seminar on audiovisual translation organised by the project coordinator, with a presentation by Alberto Fernández Costales on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and dissemination of TRADILEX: IV Seminario del Grupo de Innovación Educativa Arena (Accesibilidad, Traducción audiovisual y aprendizaje de lenguas): La traducción audiovisual como recurso didáctico en educación bilingüe: aplicaciones en el ámbito del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras. November 5th, 2021.

Seminar: “Introducción a la traducción audiovisual didáctica. Pautas para sacar el máximo partido a actividades de subtitulación, doblaje, voces superpuestas, audiodescripción y subtítulos para sordos”. Course Communicative and intercultural skills in foreign language”. University of Valladolid, Spain. 4-5 November 2021.

Research seminar by Carmen Gómez Pérez titled: Subtitled and Dubbing as a Tool for Learning Foreign Languages organized by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at Kenyon College (Ohio, USA). Research period: 11th – 21th October, 2021.

Round table (Noa Talaván invited speaker): “Las artes escénicas como recurso pedagógico en la enseñanza de lenguas”. I Jornada artes escénicas, enseñanza de lenguas y traducción. University of Málaga, Spain. October 15th, 2021.

Lecture by Carmen Gómez Pérez titled: Audiovisual Translation as a Tool for Learning Foreing Languages organized by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at Kenyon University (Ohio, USA). October 8th, 2021.

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola: Teaching English through Audiovisual Translation Tasks, as part of the Postgraduate Seminar in Audiovisual Translation organised by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain Master’s Programme in English Linguistics. May 31st, 2021.

Conference on R+D+i Research Projects in language, linguistics and literature, organised by the Department of Foreign Philology and Linguistics of the UNED, Spain. May 18th, 2021.

Project: Audiovisual translation as a didactic resource in the learning of foreign languages (TRADILEX)

Presentation of the project by the Project Coordinator, Noa Talaván Zanón (UNED).

What is the TRADILEX Project? Aims and Procedures 

Guest speaker, Alberto Fernández Costales (University of Oviedo, Spain).

TRADILEX. Educational application of Audiovisual Translation: Results from experience 

Lecture by Noa Talaván at XI Jornadas de investigación en innovación docente de la UNED dentro del ‘Simposio La accesibilidad en el diseño para todas las personas’ with the presentation Accesibilidad audiovisual en el aprendizaje de lenguas. May 12th, 2021. More information in the program of the event.

Seminar on Guía práctica para utilizar la subtitulación y el doblaje en el aprendizaje de lenguas, by Noa Talaván within II Jornada TradDisc “La traducción audiovisual y sus aplicaciones didácticas”. April 16th, 2021. University of Oviedo (Spain).

Seminar on DIDACTIC AVT and TRADILEX, by Jennifer Lertola and Noa Talaván. April 14th, 2021. Pedagogical University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). More information here.

Lecture by Jennifer Lertola at the first seminar of The new Collaborative Network of PostDoc Researchers in Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (ColNet): The TRADILEX Project: Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education. 11 February, 2021. More information here.

Seminar on audiovisual translation organised by the project coordinator, with a presentation by Jennifer Lertola on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and dissemination of TRADILEX: III SEMINAR OF THE TEACHING INNOVATION GROUP ARENA (Accessibility, Audiovisual Translation and Language Learning): «Accessibility and audiovisual translation: research, applications and technology». November 10th, 2020.

Research seminar by Carmen Gómez Pérez titled: Audiovisual Translation as a Tool for Learning Foreign Languages organized by the Department of Modern Languages, St. John’s University (Minnesota. USA). Research period: September 17th to October 20th, 2020.